Monday, February 23, 2009

One Whole Month Already??

Yes, Olivia is over a month old now! So much has happened!

Olivia lost her umbilical cord, and has been taking real baths now - pictures to follow.

Olivia had her first pediatrician appointment, and she is exactly where she should be developmentally. Dr. Knapp took one look at her feet, looked at Maria and I, and told us that Olivia would be taller than us! At her weigh-in, she was 8lbs and 13oz, and seems to be growing like a weed.

She can hold her head up fairly well, and follows people and voices amazingly! I love seeing her looking around for me when I talk and someone else is holding her!

She has also spent some time in the Bumbo chair, with mixed feelings, and in daddy's baby carrier while we walked around for a bit, and she slept the whole time.

Last but not least, we took Olivia to meet some of Maria's family, and she was the highlight of the party!

Here are pictures Maria and I have taken with our cell phones: Olivia Cell Phone Photos

And here are pictures we have taken since the last dump: Olivia - One Month Old

Parenthood is awesome! Stay tuned!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Starting Back...

Olivia has now been home with us for a week, and what a week it has been! We've learned the joy of a 24 hour feeding schedule, 10ish dirty diapers daily, and gas!

However, it has been a wonderful week! Olivia is a bundle of love - a pure miracle! We thank God daily for bringing her into our lives!

I've posted some more pictures of Olivia and us since she's come home, hope you enjoy!

Pictures of Olivia - Finally Home

Maria is recovering very well, thankfully!

In other news, I am finally headed back to work and am very sad to leave Olivia and Maria home alone. Look for more updates soon, as Olivia's first doctor's appointment is Friday.